Saturday, June 28, 2008

On Sunday evenings PBS has been showing Jane Austin movies. Being a family with 5 girls, we have been in our glory! But watching it in parts just wasn't getting it! So last Sunday Angela borrowed the Pride and Prejudice DVD from April and we watched the WHOLE movie! It was so fun! With Angela, Me and all the girls there were 9 of us watching.....if you include Ellie! Of course Kary and Steven had to quickly find something more masculine to do.....Golf.

So for the past week all the girls have been sporting an English accents and names like Jane and Lizzie. I love their imaginations! So this Sunday......I think maybe we'll watch Emma. I see the beginning of a great tradition in the Valente house! (dont' tell Steven)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do you remember these?? I saw it when I was grocery shopping the other day and I had to bring it home for the girls! They had a blast! The twins won't slide on their tummies, but they still love it. We put some dish soap on it the other day and Lena is so light, she went sliding off the end! It was great! Steven even tried it! And now he and Kary have a great idea to make a giant one out of black plastic used for construction, dig a hole and line it with plastic to land in, and of course a gallon of baby shampoo! How much you wanna bet they do it?? You can be sure that I'll have pictures and video!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I just got around to scrapping these photos, but I thought they were too cute. The girls are always up to something and this day I looked out the back door to see them with their umbrella and all having a picnic in the yard. Just thought I'd share!!