Friday, July 31, 2009

I love I &hearts Faces Fix it Friday and I haven't been able to participate in a couple weeks. This weeks photo is beautiful! So Southern.....perfect for a girl from the South! I turned it a sepia tone with a little added noise, gave it a slight crop and added a great vintage frame. Thanks to Ms. Jones for letting us all play!



Thursday, July 09, 2009

Well I finally got to take the girls swimming for the first time this year! The big girls have been with friends, but this is the first time the twins have been this summer. I was totally surprised to see them jump right in! Usually it takes them a while to catch up where they left off last summer.....well not these girls. Of course Miss C was a little cautious and was just content to float in her little spot, but you should have seen Little Miss M!! About 10 minutes after we got there she was jumping "in the deep end" all by herself! She looked like a little fish with her goggles on! I really do need to take them back soon, it was just too fun to watch them go!

Check out this adorable bag by Elisa Lou Designs that is being given away at "The Inspired Room" Go check it out and enter for a chance to win!

Monday, July 06, 2009

The Guys
Fire Works
Fire Works
Fire Works
Fire Works
Fire Works

We were so blessed to have our annual fire works show at the church again this year! I love so much that we can be with our friends and family to celebrate the independence of our country. The children can run and play and we all enjoy the fellowship so much! The "guys" did such an awesome job once again! The fireworks were perfectly choreographed with the music....well they put on quite a show! I had a good time playing with my camera too....taking some really cool's kind of like painting with light. I love that the moon is in the shots. The girls are already talking about next year.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I have recently finished reading the book about the now famous Duggar Family. As a SAHM who homeschools I'm always looking for tips on organization! I figured with 18 children Michelle Duggar had to have a little wisdom to share. It was really a blessing to read their story, how it all started and their journey up until this point, how the Lord has blessed them. I was amazed how organized the family is and along with her tips on organization I also loved her tips on frugal living. One of these tips I have adopted for our family is her recipe for home made laundry detergant. One of the things I have been griping about lately is how much laundry soap I go through and how much it costs...I cringe everytime I have to add it to my buggy at walmart! I figured if it worked for her family it had to work for mine, so I gave it a go. All I can say is that for just a little bit of work......I'm saving a whole lot of money and I have clean clothes! Works for me! So I thought I'd share the recipe with you!

Michelle Duggar says "This laundry detergent saves a huge amount of money. We buy it's three ingredients for less than five dollars, and the resulting concentrate lasts our large family two to three months! It's a watery gel that produces low suds inside the washer. The ingredients are usually available in the laundry products aisle of the supermarket (I buy mine at Publix) or order online.

1 Fels Naptha soap bar, grated
1 Cup Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax

Grate the soap bar in to a small saucepan, cover with hot water. Cook over medium low heat, stiring continually until the soap completely dissolves. Put Washing Soda and Borax in a 5 gallon bucket. Pour in the hot melted soap mixture. Stir well until all the powder is disolved. Fill the bucket to the top with hot tap water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight. The next morning stir the mixture.

For Top loading machines use 1/2 Cup of the concentrate per load
For Front loading machines use 1/4 Cup of the concentrate per load

If you try it let me know! I haven't had any problems with clothes coming clean for me. My husband works with cattle and if he comes home particularly messed up.....if you know what I mean....I just use a full cup of the soap in my top loading machine and everything comes out beautifuly!

Monday, June 22, 2009

This is what my camera looks like....I think.....I'm trying to be a good girl and I'm having it and my lenses cleaned. Debbie was so sweet to take it into Peachtree for me...but I just don't know what to do with myself! LOL!! You would think by the way I'm talking that it has been months, but it's really only been a week! I guess I could get out my point and shoot, but I'm so spoiled shooting in RAW that I just can't stand the thought!

Well....I guess this gives me some time to work on that new set of Photo Textures that I have been wanting to get started on! Keep your eye on the website for some new goodies!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I am so excited to be teaching my first class at Pixel Fairy Princess!

Have you ever wondered how you could turn your photos into a work of art? I'm so excited to announce the newest Pixel Fairy Princess Online class! I am going to teach you how to choose a photograph, apply textures, overlays, and use brushes to create a piece of art worthy of a canvas, a frame, or even a custom card to send to family and friends.

You will need either Photoshop Elements or Photoshop installed on your computer to participate in this class. You can find free 30-day trials of both of these programs at

This two hour class will begin on Thursday June 11th at 9:00pm EST. The price of this class is $50.00. Tuition includes the two hour class and the materials we will be using to create our masterpieces. You will receive a PDF detailing the steps of the class, three PFP Textures, one PFP Overlay, and a brand new PFP Grunge Brush. You may also purchase an additional hour of one on one time with me for an additional $25.00.

This class will be taught live over the internet, you will be able to hear and talk to me over the speakers and microphone on your computer or your telephone. You will also see my computer screen as I work in Photoshop showing you each step to creating photo art.

Class size is limited to 15. If you would like more information email Launa at or to register click on the "Buy Now" button at Pixel Fairy Princess

Friday, June 05, 2009

Well it's Fix It Friday time again on I ♥ Faces! This guy is simply adorable...we just had to lighten him up a little bit so we could see those gorgeous eyes! I used a Season's Preset by Pixel Fairy Princess in Lightroom, then brought the image into Photoshop for a little fun! I played with those beautiful eyes and made them pop a bit, then applied a texture also by Pixel Fairy Princess to finish it off. This was a fun one! Thanks to his mommy for letting us play with this photo of her handsome man!


Thursday, June 04, 2009

I took this a while back when we got home from church one Sunday afternoon. I just couldn't resist the twins out picking flowers in the clover. They are growing up so fast and I'm enjoying chronicling it through photography.

I used a couple of textures on this one after I processed it in Lightroom. I think I might just have to get this printed on a canvas!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

It's official! The set of textures that Debbie and I have been working on is being released on the website today! This is a set of 40 high quality photo textures for $40.00. This set of textures are also licensed for commercial use.

They are available on the website starting today!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Well Miss Mia is never the one to volunteer to be mommy's model that's for sure....but after watching Cara get little rewards for working for me, she was more than willing today! Out we went....she put on the scratchy tutu and did what ever I asked. It was toooo cute! I love it.

You will notice the new logo....I'm proud to announce that I am going to be part of the Pixel Fairy Princess Team now. Debbie and I are collaborating on Presets, Actions, Textures and Overlays for photographers. I couldn't be more excited! To think that I can work on my own time, from home with my girls, doing something I love. Using the artistic talents that the Lord has given me to create beautiful images. It just doesn't get much better.

This photo uses a preset from the new Season's Collection that Debbie designed and a couple of textures from the new Original Eclectic Texture Collection just released today that Debbie and I collaborated on. I'm so excited! You can find them all at

Friday, May 29, 2009

This is my first time participating in the A photo is posted and you can download it and "fix" it how ever you would like it on your blog and leave a link on the I Heart Faces Blog for everyone else to see. This little sweetie is adorable that is for sure! Thanks to her mama for letting us play with her photo!



I used Adobe Lightroom 2 and Photoshop CS3...this was really fun, I can't wait till the next Friday Fix!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wanting to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day. I want to thank the Lord for letting me be born in such a blessed country, even with all the problems we have it is still the best place on the earth to live. I want to thank all the soldiers and their families past and present for giving their lives to ensure the freedoms that I enjoy today.

May the Lord Bless you!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Antique Station, originally uploaded by launaann.

I was out playing with Kendra today, the weather held for a little while. I just met these really nice people at an Antique store in the area, they said I can come by anytime and use their stuff....chairs, benches, etc for photography! There is also a great empty lot next to Perfecto!! I did come home with a fabulous old rocker with chippy black paint! I just couldn't resist!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars.  ~Martin Luther

This is one of the only flowers left in my yard this spring that the twins haven't lovingly picked for me. I think it's hard for them to understand that I love to see flowers outside too. :) I felt like doing something pretty today, and this quote by Martin Luther is one of my favorites.

Have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I thought I would play a little with Cara on the porch today. She didn't want to cooperate until I mentioned chocolate! I was in the mood to play with Lightroom....give a go at making my own preset. I think it suits her. What do you think? Isn't she sweet?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 I have been a bad blogger!

So here is a little family time for you.....Kendra had asked me the other day about planting a garden. I told her that would be fun, but because of the red mud we have as soil and the cost of plants and such it just might be to expensive for now. You know not a day later Steven came home from a customers house with a cabbage plant...he said "I don't know what we are going to do with it, but she said she didn't need it and gave it to me." Kendra was so excited when I told her. She went out today and dug up some ground, she even found a little bag of potting soil in the shed to mix in.....and now she has a start to her little garden! What a good lesson in how much the Lord cares about the desires of our hearts. Oh ya....the cabbage plant's name is Bonnie! ;)

Monday, April 06, 2009

We had so much fun last week when we went to Atlanta.....double fun! First we went to see Debbie and play a little....the girls had a blast, first Debbie took us to the RR tracks close to her house for a little practice....I got my new lens! :) Then we went to Centennial Park and let the kids play in the fountains...they had a blast! Debbie taught me more about shooting with off camera flash using the pocket wizards, boy do I want those!! The girls are becoming quite the little models..LOL...they love it! We have so much fun every time we get together, I am so blessed to have made such a special friend! I can't wait till next time!

My girl
Sweet Lena
Spinning Mia
After we played with Debbie, we went to Kevin and Sarah's to spend the night. Of course Mr Carter was up and going strong at 7:30am......and so were we! We had so much fun, the weather was crummy so I had to get going home to beat a storm...but first I had a good time taking a few photos of my cutie cousins! :D

Little Flirt
Big Ball